Talk@WashU - Scaling Up Robot Reasoning Using Hierarchical Representations
Changliu gave a talk at WashU, titled Scaling Up Robot Reasoning Using Hierarchical Representations.
Hierarchical reasoning is an efficient symbolic reasoning approach that breaks complex problems into smaller, more manageable pieces, leading to faster and more optimal solutions. In this talk, I will demonstrate how introducing hierarchies enhance robot reasoning. For safety critical control under uncertainty, there is always a trade-off between safety (requiring faster response) and performance (requiring long horizon reasoning). We introduce a hierarchical long-short term safety framework that allows two safety control mechanisms to operate at different frequencies, thus advancing the safety-performance tradeoff. In data-driven prediction of other agents’ behaviors, incorporating hierarchy into neural network design improves generalizability and transferability across complex scenarios, such as vehicle trajectory prediction at intersections. For complex long-sequence planning, large linear temporal logic (LTL) specifications are challenging for users to specify and interpret, as well as for planners to reason over. We propose a new specification called hierarchical linear temporal logic (HLTL), which is not only more interpretable, but also easier to specify. Moreover, planning over HLTL is more efficient and scalable for multi-robot long-sequence planning. I will conclude the talk with future perspectives on leveraging hierarchy to enhance reasoning using large language models.
This talk highlights the following work from ICL:
[J25] Decomposition-based Hierarchical Task Allocation and Planning for Multi-Robots under Hierarchical Temporal Logic Specifications
Xusheng Luo, Shaojun Xu, Ruixuan Liu and Changliu Liu
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024
[U] Simultaneous Task Allocation and Planning for Multi-Robots under Hierarchical Temporal Logic Specifications
Xusheng Luo and Changliu Liu
arXiv:2401.04003, 2024
[W] Obtaining hierarchy from human instructions: an llms-based approach
Xusheng Luo, Shaojun Xu and Changliu Liu
CoRL 2023 Workshop on Learning Effective Abstractions for Planning (LEAP), 2023
[J16] A hierarchical long short term safety framework for efficient robot manipulation under uncertainty
Suqin He, Weiye Zhao, Chuxiong Hu, Yu Zhu and Changliu Liu
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2023
[W] Hierarchical Adaptable and Transferable Networks (HATN) for Driving Behavior Prediction
Letian Wang, Yeping Hu, Liting Sun, Wei Zhan, Masayoshi Tomizuka and Changliu Liu
NeurIPS workshop on Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving, 2021
[W] Online Adaptation of Neural Network Models by Modified Extended Kalman Filter for Customizable and Transferable Driving Behavior Prediction
Letian Wang, Yeping Hu and Changliu Liu
AAAI Workshop HCSSL, 2021