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Polishing and grinding of metallic parts is an important manufacturing operation in many industrial applications. It remains challenging to polish large complex surfaces. Polishing is predominantly done manually which is very time consuming, expensive and more importantly, can be a safety hazard for human operators using hand-held devices. We propose the assembly of a robot capable of polishing complex and relatively large surface areas of complex free form fabricated parts. By developing this robot for a complex and potentially un-safe operation, this application will lower the technical, operational, and economic barriers for companies to adopt robotic technologies.

Sponsor: Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing Institute

Period of Performance: 2019 ~ 2024

Point of Contact: Weiye Zhao


  1. [C30] Contact-Rich Trajectory Generation in Confined Environments Using Iterative Convex Optimization
    Wei-Ye Zhao, Suqin He, Chengtao Wen and Changliu Liu
    Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2020
  1. [C69] Hybrid Task Constrained Incremental Planner for Robot Manipulators in Confined Environments
    Yifan Sun, Weiye Zhao and Changliu Liu
    American Control Conference, 2024